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Are the needs of a diverse student body anticipated when purchasing and refurbishing equipment?

When purchasing and refurbishing equipment, whether that is classroom furniture, lab equipment or tools for practical work you should aim for comfort and accessibility.

Your students will learn most effectively when they can engage with a class without discomfort or barriers.

There are steps you can take when designing and purchasing equipment and furniture for your teaching spaces to enhance accessibility. For example:
When designing laboratories you can ensure there is a lowered workstation that can be accessed by wheelchair users.
Design your classrooms so that a wheelchair can fit comfortably into the room, allowing wheelchair users to sit near their classmates instead of in isolation near the exit.
Consider lighting so as to ensure that lip readers have sufficient light to follow the lecturer.
Ensure that furniture is designed to allow both left and right handed students work with ease.

Uncomfortable students will find it difficult to concentrate on the teaching content, and ill designed furniture can cause discomfort. Furthermore, within the student population there is a range of heights, weights, and body shapes.
When purchasing furniture consider whether this furniture will comfortably accommodate the range of students within College and, where possible, choose designs that are universal and will accommodate everyone.

For example, a tall stool may be comfortable for a tall student, but uncomfortable for another student. Choosing a design with rungs to rest feet can ensure both students can use the furniture with comfort.