Where students are interviewed, are individual student needs considered before the interview process?
You should consider any additional needs for applicants in advance of interviews.
So, for example, if a student is hard of hearing, is there a loop system available?
Or if the person is travelling from outside of Dublin, is the scheduled interview time viable?
When arranging interviews, do you ask prospective students if they have any particular requirements, such as for interpretation or physical access.
Bear in mind that students may be concerned, albeit mistakenly, that disclosure of disability or additional needs may make it less likely that they will be offered a place.
Do you make it clear that this is not the case?
Where students are interviewed, if specific needs arise are adjustments made to the process as appropriate to ensure equity and fairness?
You can help reduce the need for adjustements by ensuring your interview process is clear and accessible to all students.
For example: you can make sure to hold interviews in accessible rooms, you can make sure that there is timely notice of the time and location of the interviews including clear directions to the interview room?
You can advise prospective students of materials to be brought to interviews in good time.
If the interview will involve a presentation, you can ensure all information is circulated in good time.